Children’s books

Children’s books

Children’s books

Children’s books

Available on Amazon Worldwide!

Bessie the Busy Bumblebee

Here is page 1. Enjoy!

Hello! My name is Bessie and I am a Bumble bee. You will know me if you see me. I have black and yellow stripes on my body, wings on my back that are so delicate you can see through them, and I have a lovely furry coat too.

We are the biggest bees but also the gentlest. Even though I am only a little insect flying about and busy with my work, many people are afraid of me because they think I might sting them. Actually I do my best to avoid people and I try very hard not to sting anybody because I like people very much, especially children.

I spend my days searching for flowers because this is where I find nectar and pollen. These are special things that flowers make. It is my job to collect them and carry them back to the nest where I live.

We bees are so clever, we make honey from the sweet nectar and we use honey, nectar and pollen as our food.

Thanks to my lovely friend Mary-Sue suggesting it, I find myself thoroughly enjoying writing children’s books, but with a difference. The heroes of the books are animals I’ve communicated with. In the case of my first book Silly Sidney the Stick Insect, he had a grand adventure.

Sidney is the first in a series of Children’s books called The Little Critters. They will all be stories from real animals I’ve spoken with. I would like to think that my books will help those parents who have children that can hear animals, so that they don’t feel as if they’re alone or that they have weird kids. And to help children understand that their pets are special.

The book is available on Amazon and is now accompanied by my second book, Bessie the Busy Bumble Bee.

Silly Sidney the Stick Insect

Here is a sneak peek. The first page:

Hello. My name is Sidney. Some of my friends call me Silly Sidney. I came out of an egg when I was a tiny baby and I have lots of brothers and sisters.

I come from a very warm country called Papua New Guinea, which is on the other side of the world not far from Australia. Now I live in Scotland which is much colder. But it’s OK because mummy keeps my house nice and warm so I never feel cold.

I live here with lots of other stick insects who all come from different places around the world.