Exclusive Membership
Exclusive Membership

Exclusive Membership
Exclusive Membership
Exclusive Membership
I spent two years trying to figure out a way I could give you a great ongoing service that will benefit your beautiful animals and also you, and your relationship with them.
I invite you to a FREE TRIAL of my exclusive membership where you will get access to the following:
- Monthly members only group reading where you get to ask 6 questions which can be divided between the animals in your care – value £36
- Free access to my eBooks – value £10
- Monthly members only podcast. Send my your questions and I’ll answer them on the podcast – value £20
- 10% discount on all individual readings – potential savings unlimited
- All readings can be for multiple pets – saving you booking multiple readings
- Free place on my workshops – (Except my 6 month mentorship programme) – value up to £76
- Monthly guided meditation to meet a pet who has passed over – value £16
- 10% discount on merchandise
- 10% discount on signed copies of my books
- Whatever price you join at, that is what you’ll always pay no matter if the membership price goes up AND you get access to any new services that are added in the future.
- Savings of over £70 most months
All this for only £29.95 (GBP) per month
(Note: Even if the Group Reading or Meditation To Meet Your Pet Who Has Passed Over take place after you join the free trial, you can still book your place on them during your trial)
Do Your Pets Need More?
Join as a Premium Member
Do you need ongoing support while you’re dealing with health problems or behavioural issues with any of the animals in your care?
Maybe you have only one or two pets but you have an ongoing situation that you feel regular readings could help with. Giving you your pet’s point of view and at a reduced cost.
Or do you have several animals and would like to work on health, behavioural or training issues with one or more of them.

Only £89.95 per month!