Missing Pets
Missing Pets

Missing Pets
Missing Pets
Missing Pet Service
Looking for lost animals is one of the hardest things that animal communicators are asked to do. We fail more often than we succeed. This is because we can be given great information, like a good description of where they are (for example, hiding in a culvert near a small wood. A big road nearby with a turning leading down to some houses. A big hill in the distance and a barn close by) and it could fit so many places that it really doesn’t help us.
Having said that we do get our successes and they are so wonderful for all concerned!!

For the first Reading I charge a nominal fee of £17 (GBP)
During this reading I am trying to find out a number of things:
Is the pet still on this side of life or have they passed over?
Are they hurt or ill?
Are they with someone or running loose?
Do they know where home is?
Can they get home?
- A description of where they are right now
I ask the family to provide the address where the animal was last seen and go to Google maps to try to track them if they are able to provide enough information for me to do that.
Then I pass the information I get to the family so they can go out looking, using the information their pet has provided. Sometimes this has been enough for the pet to be found.
If that’s not the case we can go to the next stage.
Should you decide you want me to do an in depth reading, where I work with your pet and a map to try to narrow down their location, the cost for this is £55. I will probably need photographs from you of anything in the local area I can show them to see if they are close to them, and any questions you or I can think of that may help you find them.
No animal communicator will guarantee that they will find your pet but we do our best.
What I need from you and what you can expect from me:
I will need you to come up with as many questions as you can think of that might help establish where they are, like asking about local landmarks. I will also ask you to send me photos of anything that stands out that they may have seen.
I will work with the map, ‘show’ them the photos and ask them your questions plus any additional ones I feel may be helpful.
It’s important to realise that with outdoor cats they do sometimes move to a new home, or move to a new area where they have made a feline friend. I, myself, had a cat some years ago that left us and was often seen over a mile away. A year after he left he turned up one day. A couple of months later he left again and never came back. While I understand you wanting to get your feline friend back, sometimes these are decisions they make on their own.
The biggest problem with a lost dog is that they go into survival mode very quickly. Sometimes it takes a few days and sometimes only a few hours. The quicker a communicator is involved, the more chance of success. Once they are in this state they often won’t even come to their own family. They tend to find a safe place to spend their nights, a den, and have a territory that they wander. If we can work out where their den is we can start a regular feeding regime and eventually, hopefully, lure them into a trap.
Please be aware that my fee is not refundable partially or wholly. It represents a very reduced cost compared to my usual fee for readings and is very time consuming for me . Doing this at a discount is my contribution to helping you to find your pet.