Isn’t life strange?  

We, hopefully, spend our lifetime here learning and growing.  Some people, like me, are blessed to find our soul’s purpose.  It’s my opinion that if we allow it, the universe, our angels, God, or whatever you believe in (and they are after all the same thing.  They’re all love) will arrange things so we go step by step in the right direction to find our soul’s purpose.

I took a very long route!  It took me 57 years, but I did finally get there and it was well worth the wait!

My own journey began in London, England in 1955, where I grew up with a psychic mother.  She was afraid of her gift and believed it brought her bad luck.  However she wanted me to be careful, but open minded.  As it happened I was seemingly missing any psychic gifts.  I was even immune to picking up on people’s feelings and seemed to have very little empathy or any intuition whatsoever!

I remember in my teens going with my mum to a haunted house.  Everyone there was chilled by a cold spot in the room but I couldn’t feel it at all. I used to think I was psychically dead!

Bizarrely, in my 30s I started going to a psychic development group.  This was the start of years of going to these groups!  Have you ever been to one of these where you do a meditation to meet your spirit guide or spirit animal?  At the end the facilitator goes around the room asking everyone who they met.  And everyone met someone, except me.  Year after year.  But still I persisted.  I didn’t know why, until I found my soul’s purpose – then I knew.

Now that I was practising reading cards I started going to psychic development classes which I’d stopped. I made very slow progress, but I was learning so many other things about guides and helpers, protection and different types of psychic abilities like clairaudience and clairsentience.

In the late 1990s one of my dogs was taken by a friend to see an animal communicator. I was very interested in this as I’d heard of it but really didn’t know anything about it. The communicator told me something she couldn’t have known so I knew that what she did was real. Once again I wanted to learn but decided that if I was meant to do this a teacher would come.

In the years that followed I was doing more and more Tarot card readings and was offered a table at a psychic fair. I was terrified but my partner talked me into it. He had faith in me even if I didn’t. It went so well that I started doing regular readings at local events.

I was still going to psychic development groups and I was still the only one who never met my spirit guides or spirit animals!

Then the universe started to make some big arrangements for me!

In 2009 I met my friend Jay, a gifted medium. She started teaching me and I found myself progressing in ways I never had in groups. I’m blessed to have her as my spiritual mentor.

In 2011 I went to a psychic development day. During a meditation to meet our spirit animals a bear came and told me her name is Shiloh!

But the universe hadn’t finished with me yet. A few weeks later I went to read cards at a local school which was putting on an event to raise money for equipment.


Have you ever gone somewhere, seen a stranger and KNOWN you have to talk to them?

This time the lady I was drawn to is now my friend, Susi. We talked and a couple of weeks later I went to see her and she did work on me that she felt guided to. Susi changed me that day. She opened a door in me that had been firmly shut all my life.

Next the universe delivered me to a door which was going to open to the rest of my life. The teacher I had once hoped would come to me arrived.

I went on a weekend workshop to learn animal communication!

The revelations were HUGE for me when I could see how everything that ever happened to me had been a stepping stone to this moment. I knew my soul’s purpose was to give animals a voice. And I knew why I had found Shiloh when I did.

Now I help families with pets who have difficulties, whether through trauma (particularly with rescued pets), or because of misunderstandings within their families. They let me feel their pain so I’ve been able to help vets identify a problem where the animal has symptoms the vet can’t know about, like headaches. I speak with pets who have passed over to help their families come to terms with their loss and even get to spend days out speaking with horses.

I am truly blessed and forever grateful to all those souls who have played their part in bringing me to where I am now.

How do you find YOUR soul’s purpose?

Build up your tribe of like minded brothers and sisters. Go with the flow. Release your resistance to change. Accept the offerings of the universe.

For help on your spiritual journey contact me for a 20 minute free Zoom call to talk about how I may be able to help you.

If you would like to read snippets of readings you can go here.

Or you can find some on my Facebook page:


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