Spiritual Development

Spiritual Development

Spiritual Development

Spiritual Development

You CAN Find your Soul’s Purpose

Isn't life strange?   We, hopefully, spend our lifetime here learning and growing.  Some people, like me, are blessed to find our soul's purpose.  It's my opinion that if we allow it, the universe, our angels, God, or whatever you believe in (and they are after all the same thing.  They're all love) will arrange things so we go step by step in the right direction to find our soul's purpose. I took a very long route!  It took me 57 years, but I did finally get there and it was well worth the wait! My own journey began in London, [...]

By |30/06/2019|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Healing Ricky

A Healing Experience My dear friend, Fiona Karolus (pictured), who has now passed over, had a Bernese Mountain Dog called Ricky.  Ricky hadn't been too well for some weeks.  He was bred by Fiona, she had his Bernese daddy, Roddy.  Ricky and Roddy had a big falling out a couple of years earlier and a few weeks previously Roddy had passed over.   Now Ricky was very unwell.  The vets didn't know what was wrong, everything came up fine in tests, but Ricky wasn't happy or himself. This was in the late 1990s.  He needed some form of healing but I [...]

Spirit Animals – My experiences

During my Animal Communication workshops, when I teach people to open the lines of communication between themselves and their pets, one of the things I ask them to do is to call on any spirit animals that are around them to help them with communication to come forward. Some people already know they have spirit, or power animals. Some have never heard of them. I thought I would tell you how I acquired mine and about the things I have learned about them. During my life, at different times I've gone to workshops and psychic development groups hoping to find [...]

I am given guidance by my canine friend, Diesel

I've been sitting about a lot the last few days with a bad back. One advantage of being forced to stop and sit still is it gives us time to think So I've been thinking about how I can get better at communicating with animals, maybe learn new techniques to help them. This led me to think about what path I need to take to grow more and I decided that I would speak with my first Bernese Ty, who passed away in 1992 and who helps me with my communications.  I was sure he would have words of wisdom [...]


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